Dyne.org to Rewild the Internet

Dyne.org to Rewild the Internet

Hands holding dough: for you to join us thinking and doing.
Hey there, tech geeks and art lovers!

We share a passion for the hacker culture.

Remember that time we crossed paths in the vast digital wilderness? Whether it was through a cryptic code or a mesmerizing piece of ASCII art, we’ve connected in one way or another.

We want to keep that connection alive and thriving!

At Dyne.org, we’ve been around for more than 20 years as stewards of what we love to call the "Original Internet Tech & Culture". As many of you out there, we’ve seen the rise and fall of social networks, turning large portions of our work into sand mandalas. And that's fine, but we've reached a point where we don’t trust them to connect us to the right people in the right way anymore. So, as good proponents of sovereign tech, we're turning up the dial a notch and taking matters into our own hands, and yours.

We’re offering you a free subscription to our monthly newsletter. It’s packed with the latest in tech, art, privacy, and all things geeky. Think of it as your personal treasure trove of knowledge, delivered straight to your e-mail inbox, free to share wherever you want.

Why should you subscribe?

Well, besides the fact that we’re a non-profit foundation, honest and transparent about our intentions, our newsletter is the perfect blend of irony, wit, and valuable content. Plus, it’s a great way to stay in touch with a community that truly cares about putting the power of tech back into the hands of the people.

As good folks at Noema Magazine put it: we need to rewild the Internet!

We Need To Rewild The Internet | NOEMA
The internet has become an extractive and fragile monoculture. But we can revitalize it using lessons learned by ecologists.

We want to repair the damage done by "Internet Monoculture": a concentrated, controlled environment dominated by a few tech giants, similar to monocultures in forestry. We want to take back infrastructure control: the GAFAM mega-corporations have consolidated control over key internet infrastructure, creating bottlenecks and reducing competition.

We need to apply ecological principles of rewilding to the internet to restore diversity and resilience.
How do you join the revolution?

Want to share this free invitation? send your friends this link: https://news.dyne.org/#/portal

News From Dyne
🕊️ Free to share code. 👩🏽‍💻 Code to share freedom. Dyne.org is a digital community & free software foundry. We share tools, practices & narratives that empower artists, creatives & citizens in the digital age.
Stay curious, stay connected, and stay awesome!

The Dyne.org collective

P.S. Did we mention it’s free? Because it is. As in freedom and free beer, no ads, no AI. No strings attached. Just pure, unadulterated geeky goodness.
