Planet Dyne hacker's digest — Everything you always wanted to know about Tech, Sovereignty, Freedom and Hacker Lore (But were afraid to search)

🏴 Re:capitulation season (S2025-E01)

Yet again, Earth passed the arbitrary point of it's orbit around the sun. But every day is good moment for introspection, and every second is the right time to change something we don't like about ourselves.

💖 Lovers gonna Love (S2024-E13)

Planet Dyne is a large body in space. Nobody knows exactly how large as it sometimes expands and sometimes contracts. But what constitutes this planet are the inhabitants, the dynes.

🕳️🎣 A wild season appears (S2024-E12)

Welcome, fellow dyne! Ready for Episode 12 of our newsletter? The brave inhabitants of planet Dyne are making monumental strides. They’re reclaiming control over their internet, breaking free from the clutches of Planet Corporate!