Dyne.org is a think & do tank, born as an on-line community in 1999 by uniting artists, activists and hackers of mixed backgrounds.
Señor Fish AKA Yoyo Bae, coder of goodness and Prince of bash.
Planet Dyne.org is a collaborative world! A unique Think & Do tank, an online community that sprung to life in the year of 1999. It's a melting pot of artists, activists, and hackers, all with diverse backgrounds and united by their passion.
Or, to put it in a nutshell: it's a place filled with peers just like you, yes, you!
The magic that unfurls from the heart of Dyne.org, isn't just some mystical, cosmic event. Nah, it's the result of countless Dynes, just like you, orbiting around a shared passion to shape a universe where all non-private data (and the dynes behind it) can flourish, unshackled and accountable. Intrigued? Want to participate? Beam yourself over here!
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👽 7th Contact
Picture this - you, a dyne in all your sovereign integrity, drifting through the webz, when boom! You stumble upon a neighboring planet with a breathable and livable atmosphere. Well, that planet is Antisoftware Software-Club – it's been around for a while but to planet dyne it comes as a breath of fresh air in the ever-expanding Internet.
In their manifesto, they take a stand against the monster that's gobbled up our galaxy – software bloat. But instead of screaming into the void, they're biting back, just as a true dyne would! On their website there is a link to some of the best definition of "Big Data" available to this day. Of course it doesn't explain what Big Data is, but it promises a 50 French Francs reward to the person who finds the best way to explain BIG DATA.
©️ A buzzing start
While the dynes in the code-chat are warming up for a productive week in Zenroom, the Think & Do tank is contemplating the DRM bonanza.

Or as Aral Balkan puts it:
It blows my mind that it’s 2023 and we still can’t have an anchor or a form carry out an HTTP PUT or DELETE request without using a library like htmx.
But Web DRM? Sure, we’re working on that!
#web #dev #hypermedia #html #http
— @aral@mastodon.ar.al
One dyne complains about a Voltaire book not being downloadable on the archive.org, only loanable for 14 days. What is going on? The discussion moves on to denial by design and Data Access Rights in Encrypted Infrastructures.
👾 User-submitted Vs. Authority-submitted feedback, round 1
A debate ensues regarding stats on social media. There’s a love hate relationship to them. Stats can be used in many ways. But no dyne is oblivious to the grip of the Coporate Networks' iron fist around them. Maybe Zero-knowledge is the key? If ZK-proofs get to a usability point where a dyne can see reviews from their circle without providing who exactly for their privacy, the Internet could become even more beautiful. As usual there are as many fragrances of opinions as there are dynes, but everyone hates spam (unless of course the spam isn’t spam) so some degrees of filtering is most likely desired. Dynes just wish these filters were the oposite of a black-box.
🎉 Milestone
Planet dyne has a fediverse outlet that has finally crossed the 300 user threshold. It's a smol step of a dyne, but giant celebration for planet dyne. This is the type of stats a dynes enjoy, some of them anyways!

🫠 Favicon Controversy
A website boy changes the favicon and <title>
tag on their wildly popular website. The icon and name is a blatant rip off of the X Window system. Ripping stuff off is trending on the interwebz. Which is not a problem per se for dynes, it's the fact the the hipster-rippers don't share alike that is bothersome. In the hopes of creating a super intelligent machine, some robot-overlords are ripping off texts that many dynes have contributed to.
Dynes generally chose their masters and gods (if any), so the prospect of being leveraged as a food for robots is entertaining no one. But on the bright side it appears that, for a robot overlord, writings produced by dynes have the same level of deliciousness as the writings of the Vatican and NASA! (Source to be determined).
🎹 MIDI-Age Crisis
MIDI is 40 years this year! Many dynes enjoy using it. Some even swear by the giant spaghetti monster that it is the best protocole in the galaxy: such reliabilty, very Techno music, glory to MIDI! But 40 years really? Where did the time beam itself? One dyne decides that some meatbag-renovation is overdue and immediately proceeds to break a leg for good luck.

Age is in the head and the dance anyways. Or so would the very telling and precise anecdotal data suggest.
📼 Frei0r and Kdenlive
A new dyne tunes into the Frei0r discussion via Discord, appealed by the amazing video filter collection. They are wondering how to incorporate Frei0r into Kdenlive, a FOSS video sequence editor. Turns out that Kdenlive is so amazing that it ships official pre-builds with Frei0r already included. How cool is that?
Did you know that Frei0r has a suit of filters for 360 (VR) video? It’s sweetissimo and you should try them today!
🙊 Quotes
Macintosh isn’t very popular among dynes. However, one dyne cites Working Steve, (some marketing person that used to work at Macintosh).
Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can praise them, disagree with them, quote them, disbelieve them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They invent. They imagine. They heal. They explore. They create. They inspire. They push the human race forward. Maybe they have to be crazy. How else can you stare at an empty canvas and see a work of art? Or sit in silence and hear a song that’s never been written? Or gaze at a red planet and see a laboratory on wheels? While some see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.
— Steve Jobs
Working Steve gets a free pass on this one; it’s beautiful and the beatnik feel of the quote is strong. But it creates a good opportunity for dynes to remember that even douchebags can say interesting stuff at times and that quotes can be treacherous. Always look for context, fellow dyne!
You will own nothing, and you will be happy
— Siddhartha Gautama AKA Buddah (/s)
🏛️ The system
One dyne finds the near perfect system. Turns out it was under every dyne’s nose the whole time and is called the “Soundsystem”. Also by now it is Friday on planet Dyne and these news are coming in with prefect timing.

🪅 End of the weak!
As every dyne goes from hacking to hacking on something else, we are invited to take a look at the Local First Manifesto. It creates a big splash. This is something many dynes have also been working on for at least 2 decades but never really gained so much visibility... A Saturday celebration is given at the prospects that CRDT’s may be the next hype.
That's all for this recap of Planet Dyne the Think & Do tank! Season 2023, Episode 31. Come co-create the next episode by simply joining and sharing!
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