Photo of an ancient cryptographic device, looking a bit like a steam-punk calculator.

Benchmark of the BBS+ signature scheme

Photo by Christian Lendl / Unsplash

In this article, I'll analyze the speed of execution, size, and entropy of zero-knowledge proofs for the BBS+ Signature Scheme, as described by the v6 draft submitted to the Internet Research Task Force.

The BBS Signature Scheme
This document describes the BBS Signature scheme, a secure, multi- message digital signature protocol, supporting proving knowledge of a signature while selectively disclosing any subset of the signed messages. Concretely, the scheme allows for signing multiple messages whilst producing a single, constant size, digital signature. Additionally, the possessor of a BBS signatures is able to create zero-knowledge, proofs-of-knowledge of a signature, while selectively disclosing subsets of the signed messages. Being zero-knowledge, the BBS proofs do not reveal any information about the undisclosed messages or the signature it self, while at the same time, guarantying the authenticity and integrity of the disclosed messages.

This benchmark is based on the Zenroom open-source implementation of BBS+ which is written in C and is verified to correctly match vectors found in appendix J.9.1 of the BBS+ draft. The source code written to perform these benchmarks is found in the test/benchmark/bbs folder shipped inside the Zenroom source code.

Zenroom - No-code Cryptographic virtual machine
Multiplatform cryptography for DB and blockchain, zk-SNARKS, blockchain interop, smart contracts in human language, fully isolated virtual machine
This article is difficult to understand not knowing basics of cryptography: it requires knowledge of public-key cryptography and zero-knowledge proof.


The measurements presented are operated using a 6th generation Intel CPU running tests on a single i7 3.40GHz core and making no use of hardware acceleration. The Zenroom binary is built with release optimizations (O3 flags) using the clang compiler from its v4.36.1 source release.

Compared to other zero-knowledge proof algorithms available in Zenroom, BBS+ clearly shows to be the fastest implementation, in some cases even by one order of magnitude.

Keypair generation (public key computation from random material) takes between 0.0025 and 0.003 seconds, in other words, that is between two and a half and three milliseconds.

BBS+ key generation benchmark

When operated on a growing number of keypairs, the growth is linear and there is no substantial difference between the SHA256 and SHAKE256 implementations. In all following speed tests, I noted the performance of these two implementations stays the same, so I'll limit benchmarks to use SHAKE256 for simplicity.

Issuance takes between 0.006 and 0.0075 seconds to have a single credential signed, in other words between six and seven and a half milliseconds. Clear-text verification takes slightly less.

BBS+ issuance benchmark up to a thousand credentials
One second to issue a thousand credentials (approx.)

Presentation of zero-knowledge proofs takes between 0.0084 and 0.0095 seconds to disclose a single proof, which is almost one centisecond.

BBS+ presentation and verification benchmark on a thousand credentials

Verification of zero-knowledge proofs takes approximately 0.019 seconds, which is almost 2 centiseconds to verify a single proof.

However. when performed on a growing number of credentials, it becomes evident that BBS+ verification is faster than the presentation. The graph's bottom starts from fifty credentials and shows linear growth.

Less than one second for a thousand credential presentations.
Almost a second and a half for a thousand credential verifications.

It is worth mentioning that BBS+ is one order of magnitude faster than Boneh-Lynn-Shacham (BLS) signatures operated on the same BLS12-381 curve and under the same conditions (Zenroom implementation and benchmark hardware), showing BBS+ is really well optimized. We compared these two signatures in the benchmarks section of our recent SD-BLS paper, available online and in an upcoming IEEE journal.

Figures comparing SD-BLS and BBS+ in our paper


Using BBS+ seems to be also good for saving on size: both the issuer public keys and the presentation proofs seem to be generally smaller than other competitors.

I measure that:

  • Public keys are 96 bytes long
  • Issued signatures are 80 bytes long
  • Zero-knowledge proofs are 272 bytes long

Based on this information, you can calculate the additional storage requirements BBS+ will introduce to your database or decentralized ID storage.

For instance to have a hundred issuers listed in your DID domain will add less than 10Kb space, which makes it easy to maintain a static list of issuance authorities inside any application.

On the other hand, a typical mobile wallet application will hold a hundred credentials in less than 10Kb and will be able to use a QR code to present proof, considering its core material and some metadata will require approximately 300 bytes, leaving space for a lot more, including a small picture.

Even NFC tags will be able to store an issuer's public key or a zero-knowledge proof since their capacity varies between 96 and 512 bytes.


This measurement provides insights into the privacy level of BBS+ zero-knowledge proofs. However, it represents a type of laboratory measurement that does not cover all possible configurations. It is of interest primarily because it allows us to view BBS+ through the perspective of an eavesdropper intercepting data and searching for identifiable fingerprints.

The test performed consists of measuring the Hamming distance between different presented proofs of the same credential. I do this many times, and show the frequencies of repetition of distances.

Then I do the same with random values to obtain a graph that compares what are the most frequent distances between random values and between BBS+ proofs. Since random can differ depending on the PRNG implementation and also on the seed, I add three types of random feeds:

  • PRNG is the default pseudo-random generator in Zenroom, using as seed a sequence of 64 bytes provided by the operating system and hashed with the timestamp at the time of execution.
  • RORG is again the PRNG in Zenroom, but initialized with a seed that is retrieved online from at the time of execution.
  • OSSL is made of random values provided by the OpenSSL library installed.

In this first run, I'm using only ten samples from each source, comparing the frequency of hamming distance between adjacent samples on each stream.

Now with a hundred samples:

And up to a thousand samples:

Entropy measurement of BBS+ proofs

What we get after this analysis are overlapping graphs of the most frequent values. The frequency is centered around 1080 bits which is pretty normal for the 272-byte long sequences we are analyzing, comparing a total of 2176 bits each time. It even looks like BBS+ zk proofs yield slightly higher hamming distance values, which is a good sign.

Also adopting the classic Shannon measurement for entropy (a built-in octet method in Zenroom), we obtain values between 0.97 and 0.98 which are the same for generated cryptographic random data.

Comparison of Shannon entropy rate between BBS+ and other random streams

More precisely measuring the "entropy" of 500 proofs with a floating value between zero and one I could observe that:

  • The BBS+ ZK proof average is 0.974081
  • Zenroom's PRNG average is 0.9742654
  • Zenroom's PRNG with a seed averages to 0.9738644
  • OpenSSL's random averages to 0.9738644
The encoding of a BBS+ proof appears as random data.

You are welcome to repeat this benchmark on your systems: I've done my best to make the script portable, it will require Zenroom and Gnuplot installed, along with source files common.lua and hamming.lua in the same folder.


The buzz around BBS+ seems to be based on true assumptions: it is a privacy-preserving algorithm that has a competitive edge in terms of speed and size when compared to other zero-knowledge-proof implementations.

The data integrity assessment on BBS interoperability is in the works and shows how multiple implementations can talk to each other. And more generally more standardization efforts are going towards its way.

Data Integrity BBS Cryptosuites v1.0
This specification describes a Data Integrity Cryptosuite for use when generating digital signatures using the BBS signature scheme. The Signature Suite utilizes BBS signatures to provide selective disclosure and unlinkable derived proofs.

What may be holding some institutions back from BBS+ adoption is their faith in Trusted Execution Environments (TEE) provided by clans of hardware and operating systems manufacturers.

Integrated hardware TEEs are too outdated to support the sort of EC pairing mathematic operations needed by BBS+, ruling it out. I don't hide my skepticism about TEE maxis here, because they ignore many security attacks in the wild and because their trust architecture is a weak pyramid lacking any resilience.

As it's made evident by the failing process of the EUDI ARF, the price to pay for TEE fanaticism may be as high as the privacy of European citizens.
My advice is to work towards adopting BBS+ to pave the way to selective disclosure of credentials powered by this zero-knowledge-proof algorithm.
Regarding the BBS# algorithm marketed as TEE compatible, I caution that it may not be a legitimate contender. The associated "paper" lacks endorsement by any recognized scientist or individual. Should it prove authentic, it suggests undisclosed activities, potentially leading to a patent emerging later as a "surprise".

Stay in touch

If you want to implement the BBS+ Signature Scheme, you are free to use Zenroom, no need to know coding or complex math for that. Start from our developer documentation and try some examples on our free online IDE.

And if you need help to integrate it into your product, do not hesitate to contact us at the Forkbomb company, we are keen to hear from you!

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